Thursday, January 30, 2020

Analyzing Legal Alien Essay Example for Free

Analyzing Legal Alien Essay For many years now people have judged one another based on characteristics and family background. Some judge based on skin color, race, where your family has come from, and how you came about. â€Å"Legal Alien/ Extranjera Legal† by Pat Mora gives a very realistic message of how it can feel to be a mexican american and to be seen as a ‘legal alien’. To feel not wanted by either side, and to be judged based on the origins of your ancestors and your race. â€Å"viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different,/ viewed by mexicans as alien. This here, is a perfect example of the way Mora feels about being judged and seen as an alien and her interesting use of diction, metaphors and similes. I think the tone Mora has is one of somebody who feels like an outsider, due to being judge by the people who surround her daily. Moras choice of diction in the first four lines is very interesting and has continued to interest me throughout the poem. Diction is a writer or speakers choice of words. Mora’s diction lets you know a lot about the poems meaning and also about the speaker or the character right away. Mora chooses to tell it back and forth, from one side to another, but mainly from two different points of view. Being seen as an american and also being seen as a mexican. I believe Mora is telling this poem in her own point of view, as if she is the character. Mora starts by off saying â€Å"bi-lingual, bi-cultural† line one. That alone can be interpreted as the speaker or the character is able to speak and understand two languages. It also means she can participate in both of their cultures as well. Mora follows the first line up by enforcing her meaning with â€Å" able to slip from ‘how’s life? to ‘ me’stan volviendo loca. †( this means they’re driving me crazy in spanish. ) Lines two and three. Moras choice of diction here is interesting because she makes it sound like she lives two completely separate lifes as if they could not be mixed together. Mora writes â€Å"able to sit in a paneled office/ drafting memos in smooth english/ able to order in fluent spanish/ at a mexican restaurant† Lines five through seven, really show how she lives both sides and experiences them both separately from one another. It also shows that she fits in and seems as if she really isn’t different from any of the others. In lines eight through ten Mora uses more of her interesting diction. â€Å"american but hyphenated/ viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different. † ‘American but hyphenated’ highlights the point that although she is part american, she is still different because she is not a full american. There is more than that though, and thats exactly why she is seen differently from both sides. Either way she is more than that so she is seen different and that is Moras overall message. â€Å"viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,/ perhaps inferior, definitely different. † supports that she is viewed as an outsider from both sides. Mora also uses inferior. Which has a strong meaning to it. Inferior means: lower in rank, status, or quality. Mora uses the word exotic which also sends a very clear message of how she is viewed. Exotic means to originate in or characteristic of a distant foreign country, so her choice of words completely supports her overall message of what it can feel like to be judged based on the origins of your ancestors and your race. Mora even uses a very simple but clear simile. â€Å"viewed by mexicans as an alien. † She states that the mexicans, the other half of her ancestors race, also see her as an alien, as an outsider. Different from them because she has american blood to even though the rest of her blood is made up of that of the same as theirs. She still is not the same in there eyes. They refer to her as an alien because they believe that. â€Å"(their eyes say, ‘you may speak/ spanish but you’re not like me’)† lines twelve and thirteen, support the fact that all though she is similar, she is not seen like them. Moras choice of diction is interesting here because she is writing what she knows they want to say but wont always will but also what some do imply using different words. There eyes make her feel different like an outcast not wanted by anybody. The way they find hers and judge her so quickly, so harshly. Mora again supports that she is viewed as an outsider, a ‘legal alien’ by following that up with lines fourteenth and fifteenth. â€Å"an american to mexicans/ A mexican to americans. † These two lines have a strong meaning, and also supports the way she feels, nobody wanted her. She did not belong to either because they judged her based on the other half of her race. the other half of who she is. When in all reality race should not matter, should not affect ones judgement. Somebodys race makes them no better nor no worse than the next person. Moras next two lines sixteen and seventeen, have a strong meaning and the use of a metaphor. â€Å"a handy token/ sliding back and forth. † She is referring to herself or her character as a ‘hand token’, which I would assume is a metaphor that symbolizes that she slides back and forth between what feels like two completely different worlds just trying to fit in. To be seen for who she truly is. â€Å"between the fringes of both worlds. † Mora now very matter of factly states that to her or her character those lives are two different worlds completely. It also supports that she does not mix them together very much. In the next line Mora chooses to show an emotion in a way. I believe Mora chooses to wait so long before putting a real emotion into her character so you and I, as the readers could really understand what it is like to be mexican american and judged constantly and in general. â€Å"by smiling† line nineteen. Mora follows up the short but to the point line nineteen, with using very strong diction. â€Å"by masking the discomfort† (line twenty) is a strong phrase alone and already says a lot. ‘Masking discomfort’ means that the speaker or character masks how discomfortable being judged can be. How hard it can be to cope with and that says the speaker or the character is very strong, to hide something like that simply by smiling when it has most likely gone on for years. But also a devastating effect. â€Å"of being pre-judged/ bi-laterally. † line twenty. Mora ends her poem with one, very strong meaningful word. Bi-laterally means by both sides. Mora is saying ‘being pre-judged by both sides’. Both races that make her up as a whole, pre-judging her before they got the chance to know her. People judge one another all the time based off their clothes, and much much more. But to judge somebody due to their race or heritage, things they have no control over, thats not right. Its one thing to judge based on how they project themselves but it is not right to judge based on something out of their control either. I think that Moras choice of diction, metaphors, and similes really support her feelings of being judged and seen as a ‘legal alien’. â€Å"Legal Alien’/Extranjera Legal† gives a very realistic and strong message of how it can feel to be viewed as an alien by the people that surround you and are in your life like the people you work with. Mora’s character knows how it feels to be not wanted nor accepted by either side, and to be judged on the origins of her ancestors and her race. Mora uses strong diction throughout this poem with her interesting choice of how she uses her words. â€Å"perhaps exotic, perhaps inferior, definitely different,† Her choice of diction has a strong effect on the message itself. Moras use of similes is interesting to because she says â€Å"viewed by mexicans as alien†, she very clearly says they compare her to an alien and that as a very great impact to. Mora also uses metaphors in her writing in an interesting way, she refers to herself as ‘a handy token/ sliding back and forth’, to symbolize how it feels to not be accepted and to be judged. Many people could relate to this poem whether they are judged on their race, on their upbringing, on their clothes, and many more factors. Being pre-judged is a major problem in society today and is all around us constantly. Some are not lucky enough to escape it, but are capable of understanding the bigger picture in the message behind this poem.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Comparing Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby and Eliots The Love Song of J. Alf

The Great Gatsby and Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock So often, it seems, life can seem like a "patient etherized on the table" (Eliot, 3). Be it the apparent futility of existence as a whole, or the insecurity of those single moments of doubt; life is often fleeting. I believe life is best described as a fickle beast, always elusive; always turning down some new and unexpected road. This fleeting life is what both Jay Gatsby of The Great Gatsby and Alfred J. Prufrock of "Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock" experience. These two men experiences move down remarkably similar paths as they quest for love and life. Yet each has sealed their shared fate in a different manner. As they head toward the seeming abyss of death, both remiss on all they wish they had done during their lives. By the time each man meets his end they both feel they have failed themselves and life as a whole. While sporting similar fates, Prufrock and Gatsby, boast a seemingly opposed beginning. Prufrock is best describe in his love song as a passenger on the road of life. He speaks of his...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Barriers to identifying and Treating Older Adults with Substance abuse Problems

Substance abuse among older adults is a serious social problem. Detection of this problem, according to specialists, is hampered by barriers . This is all the more serious considering the fact that substance abuse is a serious problem among older adults but is seldom addressed because of the barriers. The need to identify and break down the barriers is important because it is important to identify and cure substance abuse patients from older adult age group bracket.This is to consider the implications of such condition to older adults – impairment of senses and mental capabilities; the health danger of mixing alcohol and other substance with medication older adults take; the threat of malnutrition considering the inability of the body to take in food; and lastly, the consideration on overall physiological effects of substance to the aging body which deteriorates because of old age and the everyday wear and tear. This is an important consideration why it is important to identif y the barriers that hinder or hamper the identification and cure of older adults suffering from substance abuse.II. Discussion Many research endeavors and researchers have already ascertained the fact that substance abuse is a problem among older adults who are addicted to different substances like alcohol as well as prescription drugs and illegal drugs. Studies are already available regarding the number of older adults in the society who are suffering from this problem . The complex way of life and how way of life differs from one place to another depending on and based from customs, tradition, cultural characteristics, etc. , has strongly affected many important aspects of life.Many professionals believe that this consideration plays an important role in the condition of the society being unable to identify older adults with substance abuse because of perceived barriers. It is important to know what these barriers are, discuss and analyze them to be able to understand these barrie rs and if possible provide solutions so that these barriers are removed and the health of the people with substance abuse problems be allowed to improve through intervention. What exactly are these barriers that hinder the identification and treatment of older adults with substance abuse problems?A. Psychological barriers Psychological barriers are present in this condition. Older adults tend to have psychological issues leading to their cases of substance abuse, as well as psychological issues when it comes to coming out and seeking help for their problem. Often, they have preconceived notions about how the society will treat them if they openly discuss their problems with substance abuse especially considering the stigma that substance abuse and the society places on the individual. Because of that, they are not overly enthused in seeking help.â€Å"Compared to younger adults, older adults are less likely to seek out and use mental health or substance abuse services . † For example, they might have the tendency to feel that professionals may look at their case as hopeless and useless to cure since they are already old and have only few years to live that intervention would have little effect. Others think that admitting substance abuse at this stage is something that is shameful. There are many other preconceived notions that deter individuals to come forward.More importantly, it is hard for those suffering from substance abuse to admit that they are addicted and for them to accept cure. This is a significant barrier. This is deterrent enough for these people to hide in the shadows. When they do, professionals, who try to seek them out, finds it more and more difficult to do so. Because of this, psychological consideration becomes a significant barrier in identifying and treating older adults with substance abuse problems. This psychological and social condition results to two things which strongly affect the efforts to identify and treat older adults with substance abuse problems.First is the lack of cooperative instincts or tendencies on the part of the individual or his or her close family and friends because of the feared repercussions. Second is the absence of the voluntary action to come forward and instead undertake efforts to further shield this addiction from being detected by professionals. Analysts are already conscious of this problem and barrier and are already suggesting ways to counter this, like the identification of ideal and useful approaches to this. Barriers are identified and later on removed and resolved to help the older adults.â€Å"In addressing alcohol problems or prescription medication misuse in later life, the use of nonjudgmental, motivational approaches can be a key to successfully engaging these patients in-care . † B. Target population Another barrier is the focus on target population. Often, adults, especially older adults, are perceived as individuals who are already capable, in control and are not as prone to substance abuse compared to younger adults who are in the early or middle part of their career, or even underage individuals who are more vulnerable to the temptations of substance abuse.This creates a misguided focus. Professionals and the society often look at a particular demographic alone and often ignores the older adult group in this kind of problem. This focus on traditional target demographics limits. Even blinds, professionals from exploring older adult groups, and the medical community should reevaluate paradigms, break traditional notions and stereotypes and consider the fact that every age group that is capable of accessing and ingesting substance that could lead to abuse can be an ideal target for substance abuse patients.In many research studies as well as in popular culture and mass media, often, the individuals portrayed as suffering from substance abuse are young to middle age adults. Efforts to study and identify substance abuse are often fo cused on selected groups and often not including older adults. C. Screening and social indicators Social indicators also mislead professionals into believing older adults are sober and are not explored for cases of substance abuse. According to professionals, social indicators like substance abuse symptoms seen at work, in the neighborhood, on the road, etc are often not common with older adults.This means older adults aren't the target of complaints for poor performance at work because of substance use and abuse; families and friends seldom complain about older adults in the household suffering from substance abuse, etc. â€Å"Older adult drinkers tend to have fewer social indicators of abuse . † Of course, this is not to mention that there are fewer indicators among this group of people considering how they are grossly outnumbered by the youth and the young adult and how figures involving older adults are overlooked.Those from younger age groups are bigger and appear more s erious, more chronic and more important, which is an incorrect perspective. What also hinders professionals from identifying and treating older adults with substance abuse is the screening process. Professionals believe that the social condition often makes older adults as individuals who are not commonly screened for any physiological or psychological signs of addiction. â€Å"It is second barrier that elders are not routinely screened for alcohol abuse by medical and mental health providers .† There are many reasons as to why this is the case. For example, it is convenient to explore the possibility that screening is often focused on younger individuals who are more vulnerable to substance abuse than older adults, creating a practice wherein older adults are often not subjected to screening. III. Conclusion Substance abuse is a serious problem. This is a kind of problem that is not limited only to young individuals but to adults and the older adults as well, including the e lderly.Evidently, there remains many significant barriers that make it difficult for professionals to identify cases of substance abuse among older adults and enforce medical as well as psychological intervention on the matter. These barriers are not easily broken down. It needs to be identified first and it is often deeply entrenched and deeply buried in the socio cultural practice and way of life of the people. Such barrier becomes formidable and hinders the entry of substance abuse recovery and rehabilitation assistance from professionals.In the end, what is important is not the mere identification of the presence of a barrier or certain barriers. More importantly, it is important to know how these barriers can be broken so that older adults with substance abuse problems are identified and provided with medical attention, care and intervention they needed to get over this kind of mental and physical health problem. On a positive light, it is indeed good to know that somehow, prof essionals are showing new ways and methods to identify substance abuse among older adults , which is significant in fighting off the barriers and allowing identification and intervention to take place.To identify the barriers and more importantly to address them by acting upon it to remove such barriers, it is important that change takes place: change in the perspective and outlook of the medical professionals; change in the perspective and outlook of health care individuals and entities; and most importantly, change in perspective and outlook of the people and the society in general so that identification is easier and the intervention administered faster and more efficiently. References Doweiko, H. E. (2006). Concepts of chemical dependency.California: Cengage. Edelman, C. L. and Mandle, C. L. (2005). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span. Pennsylvania: Elsevier Health Sciences. Hales, R. E. and Yudofsky, S. C. (2004). Essentials of clinical psychiatry. Virginia: American Psyc hiatric Publication. Maddux, J. E. and Winstead, B. A. (2007). Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding. New Jersey: CRC Press. Ries, R. K. , Miller, S. , Fiellin, D. A. and Saitz, R. (2009). Principles of Addiction Medicine. Pennsylvania: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Analysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost - 1678 Words

Milton’s Portrayal of Women in Paradise Lost Paradise Lost is an epic account of the creation and subsequent fall of Adam and Eve. Borrowing from the book of Genesis, Milton chronologically details the events leading up to Satan’s fall, the creation of the universe, the temptation of Adam and Eve, and their ultimate loss of their creator’s favor. Considered to be one of the best literary works of the 17th Century, Paradise Lost gives a vivid account of Adam and Eve’s fall from the Garden of Eden by presenting gender roles and relations in a slightly dissimilar view to the traditional biblical account of the fall of mankind. Milton’s account raises new concerns about Adam and Eve’s fall from glory, and of popular criticism is his portrayal of Eve, the lead character as naà ¯ve, submissive, inferior, and a lesser part of Adam. This paper explores various secondary sources as well as literary works used in the module. It is as deconstructive in quiry of Milton’s portrayal of Eve in a bid to critique the author’s interpretation of the traditional biblical account of gender roles and â€Å"entrenched misogyny† that portrays women as inferior to their male counterparts. Reading Paradise Lost opens ones eyes to the realization that Eve’s portrayal in the epic is a classic patriarchal idealization of womanhood who has been robbed of her autonomy and identity and relegated to be second to man by being compelled to be obedient, submissive, and inferior. To the female reader, it is quiteShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1852 Words   |  8 Pagesliterary merit. Do not merely summarize the plot. (2010 AP Literature and Composition) Disobedience and Exile an Analysis of Satan from Milton’s Paradise Lost John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, has been the subject of criticism and interpretation through many years; these interpretations concur in that Adam and Eve are the sufferers of the poem, and it is their blight to lose Paradise because of their disobedience; however, their exile is merely a plight brought by Satan, and it is he who suffersRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost Essay2201 Words   |  9 PagesEve’s story arc in Paradise Lost, by John Milton, is a bildungsroman, the German word for a â€Å"novel of education.† Eve develops through the five stages of a typical bildungsroman character, as demonstrated by several different works from the genre. It will be useful to discuss several different bildungsromans from different eras and regions to fully determine the necessary characteristics of a bildungsroman, like The Odyssey, To Kill a Mockingbird, David Copperfield, Adventures of Huckleberry FinnRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s The Of Paradise Lost 1122 Words   |  5 Pageshumankind could be considered heroic according to well-known author John Milton. Book IX of Paradise lost portrays this sense of heroism through the sins of Adam and Eve, but also creates a sense of controversy through the unexpected personality swap between Satan and of God. This literary work is a major contribution to biblical and literary history; therefore a reason why this work is still read today. The poem must turn tragic, and Milton asserts his intention to show this great fall is more heroic thanRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1499 Words   |  6 Pagesbeing, an epic hero if that being has done what is required. In John Milton’s, â€Å"Paradise Lost†, the character of Satan presents itself as an epic hero, Milton tests that the character of Satan forces the reader to consider the possibility that Satan may actually be a hero, or at the very least, a character worth seeing in a more complex light. This along with the following examples are all showing how the character of Satan in â€Å"Paradise lost†, can be view and is viewed as an epic hero thought the novelRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1071 Words   |  5 Pages Writing AP Exam Essays Advanced Placement English Literature Composition Name Juan Linares Major Work Data Page Paradise Lost Writer/Nationality John Milton/ UK 1608-1674 Theme/Meanings of the work as a whole Disobedience plays a key role in the unfolding of Milton’s poem. Satan disobeys God because God gave him free will, and causes Eve to disobey Adam, to disobey God. Justification of God. Death must happen to the world but because of the Son, DeathRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1035 Words   |  5 PagesSatan is the first figure to speak in Milton’s poems in Paradise Lost. His words to Beelzebub are the sort of utterances a politician would make to his party members after a defeat. It combines convincement with the virtue of emotional manipulation. Satan’s words shift like a dream from expression of grief and sympathy to the restatement of united defiance, to which Beelzebub replies unconsciously. Milton creates this shift so subtly that it is hardly noticed and highlights through this that theRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 869 Words   |  4 PagesIn his epic, Paradise Lost, Milton entertains the reader with his version of how one of the greatest falls of humanity occurred. Although many would consider God or Adam and Eve as the main characters in a story like this, the main character of this epic is truly Satan. Satan is shown as a strong and powerful character who is completely overwhelmed with emotions which create a type of hell in his mind; even when he is in heaven, he cannot escape his true life. Satan’s desire for vengeance on God’sRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1606 Words   |  7 PagesIn books one, two, four and nine of Paradise Lost, Milton portrays Satan as heroic, introducing freedom and reason to the minds and lives of humanity. Satan allows his subservient fallen angels, as well as Adam and eve to recognize authority, reason and the true meaning of freedom. The beginning of the story is told through Satan’s point of view, making him the first empathetic character the reader is introduced to. From the very beginning of Book One, Satan explains how him and other fellow angelsRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost1442 Words   |  6 Pages(Name) (Instructor) (Course) (Date) Heroism in John Milton’s Paradise Lost There are many definitions of a hero, and establishing the hero in John Milton’s Paradise Lost has been object to scholarly debate. One definition of a hero is that by Aristotle, who defined a hero as a person who is divine and superhuman. However, other definitions encompass the aspect of virtue in heroism. Despite all the definitions for a hero, it remains factual that a hero would be someone that the readers would delightRead MoreAnalysis Of John Milton s Paradise Lost 1253 Words   |  6 Pages Students often read John Milton’s works with great difficulty; he is determined to have his audience know his goals and how important his writing is through epic metaphors and masterful language. In Paradise Lost, he tells his audience that this will the epic to end all epics and that this is the most important tale of all mankind: the fall of Man. Comparatively, Alexander Pope used the same style of epic not to tell an important tale, but to question much of the life of ar istocracy in his time